BC-ATP | Health Architects SABC-ATP Cellcore BC-ATP is a powerful supplement for supporting and optimizing mitochondrial function.*When the body has the nutrients it needs to support mitochondria and ATP output, patients can experience improved cognitive function, mental clarity and focus, and sustained physical energy. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c57441_333c20c5a07244c8894d744e61817f92~mv2.png/v1/fit/w_500,h_500,q_90/file.png Health Architects SA We are Health Architects. We build Functional Medicine driven Prevention Focused health solutions to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c57441_54023c5fb43c4bbd830e3ccc7f8ec74b~mv2.jpg google-site-verification: google57f872096adcc1d9.html
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R1 424,05Price
VAT Included |

BC-ATP is a powerful supplement for supporting and optimizing mitochondrial function.*

When the body has the nutrients it needs to support mitochondria and ATP output, patients can experience improved cognitive function, mental clarity and focus, and sustained physical energy.

  • Product Detail

    The highly charged organic acids support metabolism and the ATP cycle in being at peak efficiency. These carbons also assist in the body’s natural detoxification processes, contribute to a balanced gut microbiome, promote cellular renewal, and support immune health.

    In clinical practice, BC-ATP is generally well-tolerated by sensitive patients and can help improve protocol tolerance.

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