DNA Diet | Health Architects SADNA Diet DNAnalysis DNA Diet® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of diet and lifestyle recommendations in order to manage weight. It provides insight into which diet type (low carbohydrate, low fat, or Mediterranean diet) would be most suitable for you according to your unique genetic makeup. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c57441_c7064d1245ee436d821a9709991f12c5~mv2.png/v1/fit/w_500,h_500,q_90/file.png Health Architects SA We are Health Architects. We build Functional Medicine driven Prevention Focused health solutions to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c57441_54023c5fb43c4bbd830e3ccc7f8ec74b~mv2.jpg google-site-verification: google57f872096adcc1d9.html
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DNA Diet

DNA Diet

R2 650,00Price
VAT Included |

DNA Diet® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of diet and lifestyle recommendations in order to manage weight. It provides insight into which diet type (low carbohydrate, low fat, or Mediterranean diet) would be most suitable for you according to your unique genetic makeup.


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