DNA Mind | Health Architects SADNA Mind DNAnalysis DNA Mind is a genetic test that reports on variants in genes that have significant associations with mental health including risk for addictive behaviour, cognitive decline, depression, anxiety and mood regulation. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c57441_b83eafbea3cd4c459b4f141b861a25ef~mv2.png/v1/fit/w_500,h_500,q_90/file.png Health Architects SA We are Health Architects. We build Functional Medicine driven Prevention Focused health solutions to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c57441_54023c5fb43c4bbd830e3ccc7f8ec74b~mv2.jpg google-site-verification: google57f872096adcc1d9.html
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DNA Mind

DNA Mind

R2 650,00Price
VAT Included |

DNA Mind is a genetic test that reports on variants in genes that have significant associations with mental health including risk for addictive behaviour, cognitive decline, depression, anxiety and mood regulation.

  • Ideal For

    The test is suitable for those who are concerned about a family history of, or are personally suffering from mental illness, specifically around addiction, cognitive decline, or mood disorders. The Medcheck test should be considered alongside DNA Mind in these cases.
    DNA Mind is also valuable as an adjunct to DNA Health for clients seeking to improve overall longevity, including mental wellness by refining their health routine with a targeted approach to diet, lifestyle, and nutraceuticals.

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